In case you didn’t know….
Hey I got to meet Mark Ferrasci
Mark has been a great friend for many years. He started the “Music Pulse” on GooglePlus a few years back, and gave me so much encouragement in the beginning.
Mark is now a professional dog trainer and was traveling from his home in California, up through New York, and down to Florida. I was flattered that he went out of his way to come to Rome, Ga, on his way back and we had a chance to meet face to face for the first time.
Thanks Mark and safe travels!
Some Really Nice Folks!
Well, this last trip to Louisville, KY, I was able to swing by Clarkesville, TN, and visit with some really nice folks, Greg and Sara Castleberry. They come to the online shows regularly and Greg has even covered some of my songs on his YouTube channel!
I want to thank them for the real southern hospitality that was shown to me during the visit. Greg and I had a chance to sit in the sofa with a couple of flat tops and bang out a few songs. The visit was really great and I hope we get another chance to visit real soon!
Almost Done!
The project has been named! We’ll call it “Leaving Montgomery”, 9 original songs. The last song, “Jesus Don’t Want Me” is up on SoundCloud now.
Still have to record 3 other songs for the project and soon it will be available for FREE download.
Thank ya’ll so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the new project!
Best month ever!
Just a note we had over 3,500 different folks visit in the month of March. My highest traffic month to date! The site just keeps growing.
I’ll be traveling to Louisville, Ky, on Monday for a TV shoot on Tuesday morning, BUT I will be back in time for the show Tuesday night. Playing originals, always free, and I hope you can ;make it.
And BTW,
Happy Easter everyone
This Week on the Show…
By special request this Tuesday night will be “Balladeer” night. I’ll be playing all the songs on the Balladeer cd. 14 original songs and I’ll tell a little story behind how each one came about, what inspired me to write them etc.
Then on Thursday night I’ll feature songs by Merle Haggard. Hopefully bring back some memories and it should be a lot of FUN!
So tell your friends and I hope to see you there. Each show starts at 10:30pm EDT and you get a FREE ticket and a front row seat!
Just Click
A Big ‘Ol Thank You!
Hey I just have to take a minute and thank some folks who are always there, at almost every show. They are supportive not only by being there, but also financially too!
I hope I don’t leave anybody out, but here goes. First off, Glen Osborne. Glen was there in the beginning always with words of encouragement. Michael Sirois better known as “Pachebo”, was there for every “Street Jelly” show, and when he was banned from the site (long story), it caused me to go in my own direction setting up live streaming on this site. Pamela Gruhlke, oh what a fantastic voice and despite some health issues, she’s at almost every show! George and Mary Ray Welden, always there and I went to school with both of them. George inspired me to write “Class of 69”. Speaking of schoolmates…Steve Teal who attends, tips, and wears out SoundCloud! Ditch, or Jim Young, always there (unless he falls asleep) and a great talent in his own rite. And Sharon Dickinson, from over on the left coast, a super talent also. Songwriter, singer, frequents shows and a great tipper!
There are so many more, but these deserve “special recognition” and my heartfelt THANKS!
Don’t forget you’re invited to the “Live” show almost every Tuesday and Thursday nights 10:30pm EDT right here
on this site.
Free Downloads
Hope you’ve had a chance to go over the new website design. If you’ve noticed the Discography section is now complete. You can download any of the projects that were recorded in the home studio for free.
The last project has still to be named and there are 3 songs that still have to be recorded. Hopefully that will be finished over the next two weeks.
Cooper is in third place….
As you may have heard our Cooper is in the photo contest for the Etowah Valley Humane Society. These are great folks and they do so much good. It’s where we found Cooper.
They are having a photo contest to raise money. They’ll use the contestants for their annual calendar. Votes are just $1. each.
You can vote for Cooper here: